Fees is to be cleared before 10th of the every month failing which, late fine shall be charged along with the fee after that date.
School tuition fees are to be borne by the guardians for one full session (12months).
No exemption/deduction in fee will be made on account of broken period/holidays or absence from the class.
Prior to summer & winter vacations, if fees is not paid before the date, as per notice the name of the student will not be included in the attendance register on the commencement of the school.
No student will be allowed to appear for examination unless all dues have been cleared.
Non payment of fee for 2 consecutive months will be lead to automatic removal and cancellation of admission from the school and in the case a child has to seek fresh admission after paying the full admission fee.
Prior to the new academic session, the fee for current month have to be paid by the guardian before the date intimated earlier failing which their wards will not be enrolled in new class.